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4-5- Deaf people graduate with a 4th-5th grade reading level due to language deprivation

90%- Deaf teachers were fired

90%- Deaf kids are born to hearing parents

30%- Of words can be lip read

25%- Of parents learn to casually sign

10%- Deaf kids are born to deaf parents

2%- Of parents learn to fluently sign

Names to never call a deaf person

-Deaf dumb

-Deaf mute


-Hearing impaired


5 peramiters of ASL

-Non manual markers (facial expressions)

-Palm orientation





-Same language to same language

(case to English)


-From one language to another

(English to ASL)


(Conceptually Accurate Signed English)

-Is conceptual

-Is not a language


(Manually Coded English)

-Is not conceptual

-Is not a language

Pre-Lingual & Post-Lingual

-Before language (before 18 months)

-After language (after 18 months)


-The discrimination based on the ablility to hear


-The study of the ear

-Helps identify and treat hearing issues

Origin of ASL

-Spanish monks

National Theater Of The Deaf

-First professional deaf theater company

-Works with dual language theater concepts


-Not even related to a deaf adult


-Child of deaf adult


-Certified deaf interpreter


-Video Relay system


(Registry of interpeters of the deaf)

-Promotes certification

-Protect interpreters rights


(National association for the deaf)

-Civil rights group

-Advocated for deaf peoples rights


(Deaf President Now)

-It was a protest at Gallaudet

-Get rid of zinner and have a deaf president

-Get rid of spillmen, chairmen step down

-51% of the board has to be deaf

-Nobodh gets punished


(Americans Disability Act)

-Helps all disability's (Ramps, Rails, Brail)


(Individuals W/ Disabilities Educational Act)

-Helps disabilities k-12

-under the ADA


(Educational Interpreters Performance Assessment)

-Written test (pass/fail)

-Preformance test (1-5, need 4 to pass)

-For interpreters who work in a k-12 setting


(Center Assessment for Sign Language Interpreters)

-Took over NIC


(National Interpreters Certification)




-All 3 tests are pass/fail

-Helps certify interpreters

-Under CASLI


(Code of Professional Conduct)

-Rules for interpreters

1. Confidentiality (3)

2. Professionalism (6)

3. Conduct (10)

4. Respect for consumer (4)

5. Respect for colleges (5)

6. Business Practice (8)

7. Professional development (2)

Milan Conference

-Tried to get rid of ASL

-Fired 90% of deaf teachers

Thomas Hopkins


-Worked with Alice cogswell

-Realized deaf people could be educated

-Helped build the first school for the deaf

Alice Cogswell

-Deaf at Age 2, spinal meningitis

-First deaf person to be educated for ASL

Edward M Gallaudet


-Founder of Gallaudet University

Amos Kendall

-Donated 2 ancres of land to build the deaf school

Laurent Clere

-Deaf at age 1, fell of a chair into a fire

-The Apostle of ASL

William Stokoe



-Study linguistics at Gallaudet

-Promoted deaf education

Hellen Keller

-Deaf at 19 months, spinal meningitis

-Deaf and Blind

Anne Sulliven

-Hellen kellers teacher


I King Jordan

-Deaf at age 21, motorcycle accident

-First deaf president of Gallaudet

Andrew Foster

-Deaf at age 11, spinal meningitis

-He has a twin

-He was the first african american to graduate Gallaudet with a bachelors degree

-He open 32 schools in 13 african nations

-The father of Deaf education in Africa

Marlee Matlin

-Deaf at 18 months, spinal meningitis

-First deaf person to win an Oscar

-Deaf actor

Kitty O Neil

-Deaf at 5 months, measles, mumps & small pox

-Race car driver

-Stunt woman

Juliet Gordon Low

-Deaf at Age 25, grain of rice stuck in ear

-Founder of the girl scouts

Thomas Edison

-age 2 scarlet fever, age 16 train conducter

-severly ADHD

Nyle Demarco

-Born deaf, his whole family is deaf

-First deaf person to win Dancing with the stars

-America's next hot model

-Nyle demarco foundation (promotes deaf education)


-Age 28-44, ice bucket, lead poisoning & siffelis

-Made music by cutting legs of piano and putting his ear to the gound to hear th vibrations of the piano to make music

Alexander Gram Bell


-Villian of ASL

-hated deaf people and tried to make them speak

-tried to get rid of ASL (Milan Conference)

James Burke

-Born deaf


-99 round

-Jail time (3 days)

-Created boxing count down rule

William Hoy

-Age 3, spinal meningitis

-Baseball player

-He made the baseball signs

Matt Hamill

-Born deaf


-Deaf olympics



4-5- Deaf people graduate with a 4th-5th grade reading level due to language deprivation

90%- Deaf teachers were fired

90%- Deaf kids are born to hearing parents

30%- Of words can be lip read

25%- Of parents learn to casually sign

10%- Deaf kids are born to deaf parents

2%- Of parents learn to fluently sign

Names to never call a deaf person

-Deaf dumb

-Deaf mute


-Hearing impaired


5 peramiters of ASL

-Non manual markers (facial expressions)

-Palm orientation





-Same language to same language

(case to English)


-From one language to another

(English to ASL)


(Conceptually Accurate Signed English)

-Is conceptual

-Is not a language


(Manually Coded English)

-Is not conceptual

-Is not a language

Pre-Lingual & Post-Lingual

-Before language (before 18 months)

-After language (after 18 months)


-The discrimination based on the ablility to hear


-The study of the ear

-Helps identify and treat hearing issues

Origin of ASL

-Spanish monks

National Theater Of The Deaf

-First professional deaf theater company

-Works with dual language theater concepts


-Not even related to a deaf adult


-Child of deaf adult


-Certified deaf interpreter


-Video Relay system


(Registry of interpeters of the deaf)

-Promotes certification

-Protect interpreters rights


(National association for the deaf)

-Civil rights group

-Advocated for deaf peoples rights


(Deaf President Now)

-It was a protest at Gallaudet

-Get rid of zinner and have a deaf president

-Get rid of spillmen, chairmen step down

-51% of the board has to be deaf

-Nobodh gets punished


(Americans Disability Act)

-Helps all disability's (Ramps, Rails, Brail)


(Individuals W/ Disabilities Educational Act)

-Helps disabilities k-12

-under the ADA


(Educational Interpreters Performance Assessment)

-Written test (pass/fail)

-Preformance test (1-5, need 4 to pass)

-For interpreters who work in a k-12 setting


(Center Assessment for Sign Language Interpreters)

-Took over NIC


(National Interpreters Certification)




-All 3 tests are pass/fail

-Helps certify interpreters

-Under CASLI


(Code of Professional Conduct)

-Rules for interpreters

1. Confidentiality (3)

2. Professionalism (6)

3. Conduct (10)

4. Respect for consumer (4)

5. Respect for colleges (5)

6. Business Practice (8)

7. Professional development (2)

Milan Conference

-Tried to get rid of ASL

-Fired 90% of deaf teachers

Thomas Hopkins


-Worked with Alice cogswell

-Realized deaf people could be educated

-Helped build the first school for the deaf

Alice Cogswell

-Deaf at Age 2, spinal meningitis

-First deaf person to be educated for ASL

Edward M Gallaudet


-Founder of Gallaudet University

Amos Kendall

-Donated 2 ancres of land to build the deaf school

Laurent Clere

-Deaf at age 1, fell of a chair into a fire

-The Apostle of ASL

William Stokoe



-Study linguistics at Gallaudet

-Promoted deaf education

Hellen Keller

-Deaf at 19 months, spinal meningitis

-Deaf and Blind

Anne Sulliven

-Hellen kellers teacher


I King Jordan

-Deaf at age 21, motorcycle accident

-First deaf president of Gallaudet

Andrew Foster

-Deaf at age 11, spinal meningitis

-He has a twin

-He was the first african american to graduate Gallaudet with a bachelors degree

-He open 32 schools in 13 african nations

-The father of Deaf education in Africa

Marlee Matlin

-Deaf at 18 months, spinal meningitis

-First deaf person to win an Oscar

-Deaf actor

Kitty O Neil

-Deaf at 5 months, measles, mumps & small pox

-Race car driver

-Stunt woman

Juliet Gordon Low

-Deaf at Age 25, grain of rice stuck in ear

-Founder of the girl scouts

Thomas Edison

-age 2 scarlet fever, age 16 train conducter

-severly ADHD

Nyle Demarco

-Born deaf, his whole family is deaf

-First deaf person to win Dancing with the stars

-America's next hot model

-Nyle demarco foundation (promotes deaf education)


-Age 28-44, ice bucket, lead poisoning & siffelis

-Made music by cutting legs of piano and putting his ear to the gound to hear th vibrations of the piano to make music

Alexander Gram Bell


-Villian of ASL

-hated deaf people and tried to make them speak

-tried to get rid of ASL (Milan Conference)

James Burke

-Born deaf


-99 round

-Jail time (3 days)

-Created boxing count down rule

William Hoy

-Age 3, spinal meningitis

-Baseball player

-He made the baseball signs

Matt Hamill

-Born deaf


-Deaf olympics