Macbeth top ten quotes
"Brave Macbeth"- Well deserves that name"- Ross(Thane -Macbeth only judged on bravery not values Foreshadows his downfall
"Let not light see my dark and deep desires"
his desires are already there
"Unsex me here, and fill me, from the crown to the toe, top full of direst cruelty"
\-In order to be powerful she hadto reject roles of gender, has to become androgynous (neitherfeminine or masculine)
in order to gain power like the witches who have "beards" perhaps shakespeare is suggesting in order to gain power you have to ascend gender roles
"When thou durst do it,then you were a man"- Lady macbeth
Macbeth kills duncan to prove his maculinity
"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand"- Macbeth Act 2 scene 2
\-irony lady Macbeth tells him "a little water clears us of this deed" and Macbeth is so full of guilt he says this but then this flips on its head when lady macbeth goees insane saying out damned spot
"Out,out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow"
\-Shadow represents life and how macbeth was always chasing the shadow as you can never catch your shadow respect kingship power he will always be chasing killed duncan for power killed banquo for power.Candle sybolises his life questioins futility of life questions whether it was worth it shows us regret
"Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under't"
\-shows her cruelty uses her feminity to hide her cruelty
"Full of scorpions is my mind" Scene 3, Act 2
\-Losing his mind scorpions deteriating his brain
"Fair is foul, and foul is fair"
\-the witches forshadow the twisting of the natural order portraying the supernatural in bad light. Witches cause chaos
"The instruments of darkness tell us truths,Win us with honest trifles, to betray's In deepest consequence"
Forshadows macbeth's demise