International and Global Dimension

General Topics (Temas Generales)

  • ventajas/desventajas (advantages/disadvantages): Refers to the positive and negative aspects of a situation or decision. Example: “Debatimos las ventajas y desventajas de usar energía solar” (“We debated the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy”).

  • por/contra (for/against): Expressions used to indicate support or opposition to something. Example: “Estoy a favor de proteger el medio ambiente, pero en contra de la contaminación” (“I am for protecting the environment, but against pollution”).

  • internacional (international): Something that involves more than one country. Example: “El comercio internacional es crucial para la economía mundial” (“International trade is crucial for the global economy”).

  • global/mundial (global/world): About the entire world or something that has worldwide impact. Example: “El calentamiento global es un problema mundial” (“Global warming is a global issue”).

Environmental Issues (Cuestiones Ambientales)

  • animales (animals): Living organisms that play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. Example: “Los animales en peligro de extinción necesitan nuestra protección” (“Endangered animals need our protection”).

  • climático (climate): Refers to the weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period. Example: “El cambio climático está alterando los patrones climáticos” (“Climate change is altering weather patterns”).

  • ambiente (environment): The surrounding conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. Example: “Debemos cuidar el ambiente para las futuras generaciones” (“We must care for the environment for future generations”).

  • comercio justo (fair trade): A movement that aims to help producers in developing countries achieve better trading conditions. Example: “Apoyamos el comercio justo para mejorar la vida de los agricultores” (“We support fair trade to improve the lives of farmers”).

  • hambre (hunger/famine): The severe lack of food in a region, leading to widespread malnutrition and mortality. Example: “El hambre es un problema grave en muchas partes del mundo” (“Hunger is a serious issue in many parts of the world”).

  • recursos naturales (natural resources): Materials or substances that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain. Example: “Debemos utilizar los recursos naturales de manera sostenible” (“We must use natural resources sustainably”).

  • polución (pollution): The presence of harmful substances in the environment. Example: “La polución del aire afecta nuestra salud” (“Air pollution affects our health”).

  • reciclaje (recycling): The process of converting waste materials into reusable materials. Example: “El reciclaje es esencial para reducir la basura” (“Recycling is essential to reduce waste”).

  • protección (protection): The act of preserving something from harm. Example: “La protección del medio ambiente es una responsabilidad de todos” (“Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility”).

  • sequía (drought): A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water. Example: “La sequía ha afectado gravemente la agricultura en la región” (“The drought has severely affected agriculture in the region”).

  • inundaciones (flood/flooding): Overflow of water that submerges land, typically after heavy rain. Example: “Las inundaciones han causado daños extensos en la ciudad” (“The floods have caused extensive damage in the city”).

  • huracán (hurricane): A type of storm with violent winds, often causing significant destruction. Example: “El huracán destruyó muchas casas en la costa” (“The hurricane destroyed many houses on the coast”).

  • terremoto (earthquake): A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, often causing significant destruction. Example: “El terremoto devastó gran parte de la ciudad” (“The earthquake devastated much of the city”).

  • calentamiento global (global warming): The long-term rise in Earth’s average temperature due to human activities. Example: “El calentamiento global está derritiendo los casquetes polares” (“Global warming is melting the polar ice caps”).

  • agua (water): A vital resource for all living organisms. Example: “El agua es esencial para la vida” (“Water is essential for life”).

  • agua potable (drinking water): Water that is safe to drink. Example: “El acceso a agua potable es un derecho humano básico” (“Access to drinking water is a basic human right”).

  • agua dulce (fresh water): Water that is not salty, found in rivers and lakes. Example: “El agua dulce es crucial para el consumo humano” (“Fresh water is crucial for human consumption”).

  • agua salada (salt water): Water from the sea, which contains salt. Example: “El agua salada no es apta para beber sin desalinización” (“Salt water is not suitable for drinking without desalination”).

Energy and Resources (Energía y Recursos)

  • carbón (coal): A black or brownish-black sedimentary rock used as a fuel. Example: “El carbón sigue siendo una fuente de energía importante” (“Coal remains an important energy source”).

  • electricidad (electricity): A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles. Example: “La electricidad es indispensable en la vida moderna” (“Electricity is indispensable in modern life”).

  • energía (energy): The power derived from physical or chemical resources to provide light, heat, or work machines. Example: “La energía renovable es el futuro de la humanidad” (“Renewable energy is the future of humanity”).

  • gas (gas): A state of matter used as a fuel or in chemical processes. Example: “El gas natural es una fuente de energía limpia” (“Natural gas is a clean energy source”).

  • aceite (oil): A viscous liquid derived from petroleum, used for fuel and lubrication. Example: “El aceite es una de las principales fuentes de energía en el mundo” (“Oil is one of the main energy sources in the world”).

  • energía solar (solar power): Power obtained by harnessing the energy of the sun’s rays. Example: “La energía solar es una alternativa sostenible a los combustibles fósiles” (“Solar power is a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels”).

Human and Social Issues (Cuestiones Humanas y Sociales)

  • caridad (charity): Voluntary giving to those in need. Example: “La caridad es fundamental para ayudar a los más necesitados” (“Charity is fundamental in helping those most in need”).

  • desastre (disaster): A sudden event that causes great damage or loss of life. Example: “El terremoto fue un desastre natural devastador” (“The earthquake was a devastating natural disaster”).

  • pobreza (poverty): The state of being extremely poor. Example: “La pobreza es un problema global que debemos combatir” (“Poverty is a global issue that we must combat”).

  • gente (people): Human beings in general or considered collectively. Example: “La gente en todo el mundo está luchando contra el cambio climático” (“People all over the world are fighting against climate change”).

  • derechos (rights of man/peoples’ rights): Legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. Example: “Los derechos humanos son fundamentales en una sociedad justa” (“Human rights are fundamental in a just society”).

  • seguridad (security): The state of being free from danger or threat. Example: “La seguridad es una prioridad en todas las comunidades” (“Security is a priority in all communities”).

  • vivir (to live): To be alive and continue to exist. Example: “Todos tienen el derecho a vivir en paz” (“Everyone has the right to live in peace”).

  • morir (to die): To stop living. Example: “Morir en paz es un deseo común de muchas personas” (“Dying in peace is a common wish for many people”).

  • sobrevivir (to survive): To continue to live or exist in spite of danger or hardship. Example: “Es importante aprender a sobrevivir en situaciones difíciles” (“It is important to learn how to survive in difficult situations”).

  • proteger (to protect): To keep someone or something safe from harm or danger. Example: “Debemos proteger a los animales en peligro de extinción” (“We must protect endangered animals”).

  • amenazar (to threaten): To state one’s intention to take hostile action against someone or something. Example: “El cambio climático amenaza la vida en nuestro planeta” (“Climate change threatens life on our planet”).

Activities and Events (Actividades y Eventos)

  • campaña (campaign): An organized effort to achieve a particular goal. Example: “La campaña de reciclaje busca reducir los residuos” (“The recycling campaign aims to reduce waste”).

  • festival (de música) (music festival): An organized series of concerts, typically held annually in one place. Example: “El festival de música atrae a miles de personas cada año” (“The music festival attracts thousands of people every year”).

  • juegos olímpicos (Olympic Games): An international multi-sport event held every four years. Example: “Los Juegos Olímpicos son el evento deportivo más importante del mundo” (“The Olympic Games are the most important sporting event in the world”).

  • mundial (World Cup - football): The international championship of soccer, held every four years. Example: “El Mundial de fútbol es seguido por millones de aficionados en todo el mundo” (“The Football World Cup is followed by millions of fans around the world”).

Miscellaneous (Misceláneo)

  • tierra (earth): The third planet from the Sun, which supports life. Example: “Debemos cuidar la tierra para proteger nuestro futuro” (“We must take care of the Earth to protect our future”).

  • planeta (planet): A celestial body that orbits a star, such as Earth orbiting the Sun. Example: “Nuestro planeta enfrenta muchos desafíos ambientales” (“Our planet faces many environmental challenges”).

  • especie (species): A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding. Example: “La extinción de especies afecta el equilibrio de los ecosistemas” (“The extinction of species affects the balance of ecosystems”).

  • reciclar (to recycle): To process used materials so they can be reused. Example: “Es importante reciclar para reducir la cantidad de residuos” (“It is important to recycle to reduce the amount of waste”).

  • convertir en abono (to convert (make) compost): To transform organic waste into compost for improving soil. Example: “Convertir en abono los restos de comida ayuda al medio ambiente” (“Turning food scraps into compost helps the environment”).

  • aprovechar (to benefit): To make good use of something for one’s advantage. Example: “Podemos aprovechar la energía solar para reducir los costos” (“We can benefit from solar energy to reduce costs”).

  • faltar (to lack): To be without something or not have enough of something. Example: “Faltan recursos en las áreas afectadas por el desastre” (“There is a lack of resources in the areas affected by the disaster”).

  • contaminar (to pollute): To make something dirty or harmful to the environment. Example: “Las fábricas pueden contaminar el aire con gases tóxicos” (“Factories can pollute the air with toxic gases”).

  • cuidar (to save/keep safe): To take care of something to ensure it remains in good condition. Example: “Debemos cuidar los recursos naturales para las futuras generaciones” (“We must keep natural resources safe for future generations”).

  • separar (to sort/separate (e.g., rubbish)): To divide waste into different categories for proper disposal or recycling. Example: “Separar la basura en casa facilita el reciclaje” (“Sorting waste at home makes recycling easier”).

  • mantener el contacto (to stay in contact): To continue communication with someone. Example: “Es importante mantener el contacto con amigos y familiares” (“It is important to stay in contact with friends and family”).

  • desafortunado (unfortunate/needy): Lacking the necessities of life, often due to unfortunate circumstances. Example: “Los desafortunados necesitan ayuda humanitaria urgente” (“The needy require urgent humanitarian aid”).

  • volcán (volcano): A geological formation where magma from beneath the Earth’s crust escapes to the surface. Example: “El volcán entró en erupción causando gran destrucción” (“The volcano erupted, causing great destruction”).