The land in Europe, the weather was cold in the winter, a lot of rain was in the fall. The farming was easy if was worked there were roads they created bitty everywhere. The Americans had more cultures like five groups, were much more diverse, they weren’t separated, they learn to get along. While the Europeans had the most advanced technology. The three religions were north, middle colonies, south, but the middle colonies were to technically north . The north had rich people who had a business while the south had big farms. The Native Americans started the gun culture had the highest alcohol rate they won the early battles, they got manipulated by the colonists It changed a lot of the colonist lives because the Native Americans were trading cloth metal tools guns fire water which equals alcohol. Eleets prang Indians they excepted the culture that Europeans gave them a guy brought them to deer Island and lived on shellfish but they died. Africans were kidnapping others and ship them to other people they needed to work to be free. Black codes they cannot own a gun, they cannot go out without a pass or will be punished, there was a curfew, no reading or writing so they don’t think they’re human. Since they all had much talent in the north the north was more advanced in working but the South families were torn apart Colonial had black slavery The Black people were given Sundays off and once a month they had 2 to 3 days off to show that they will act like an animal with freedom then without freedom to trick them into doing their dirty work. In the north they called church the weekly town meetings in the south they called it a courthouse monthly court days. In the north they were closely located the location of their farms and they had religion. In the South they were far apart and had barely any religion. Education evolved around the Puritans church . North and south are private armies Americans thought the government was a necessary evil, Native Americans were far right. Pure form Calvinism’s were prosecuted. Family size in the north had bigger families. While in the south they had to advertise to make women come. North trades were mostly boat making. In the 1800s in the right was a man named Marx, it was new and woke they were called Democrats socialist and progressives one of the rules were secure which was far communism Second rule equality Third rule a lot of government fourth rule government was good fith rule community Six redistribution wealth, basically forced sharing on the right seventh government regulate markets 8 rule pro life choice/abortions. Jefferson Madison they were called Republicans and conservatives Their first rule freedom Far from anarchy second personal responsibility Third limited government is necessary Evil but they had to submit because it was corrupted fifth individualism six private property rights seven very limited amount of rules capitalism/free markets 8 rule pro-life against abortion. The colonist believed in patriarchy, and they think that men and women have different roles. They also wanted boys more than the girls because the boys to them were hard workers. The family rules were men take care of discipline, women stay home to take care of the children, and both the colonist in the European cities so there was no difference between them with that. The other differences they had though we’re that the The colonist were more practical and they had the basics they just wanted to survive while the Europeans had better food, drinks, music, and many others. They also had a strong culture. John wicks idea was a social contract which was government. The colonist were British Europe. John Locke made a promise to everyone that he would protect everyone’s rights. The questions that John Locke asked was: How did the government come to be?Which was a power-play. What was true government? Because people do a lot of things for law and order it they submit their rights. John Locke called this world nature. In 1802 the north and south abolished slaves, they couldn’t buy slaves anymore. South still found a way and bread them, and Also decided to be more strict to protect themselves from losing money like $185, which is now $85,000 today. In 1812 Didn’t know if you meant that slaves are free but not completely free because the north had a fugitive slave law, that meant that the north people had to turn the slaves in which they didn’t do often. The only country that meant they were completely free with Canada which was 800 miles north. The underground railroad wasn’t a railroad nor underground because it was basically runaway slave hotels, which was owned by people who disagree with slavery. They dress the slaves to make them look like free slaves from the north to disguise them and that cause too much attention in the north.