Officers shall be available as necessary in promotion the general welfare of HOSA
International President - presides at the HOSA conference and all HOSA officer meetings, makes committee appointments, and develop program of work (with help from exec council and board of directors), serves on HOSA Inc Board of Directors and Exec Committee
Pres-Elect - assumes duty as president in their absence, succeed the president at the end of each term of office, serve on board of directors and exec council
Vice-presidents - promotes growth and development of their HOSA divisions within their areas in accordance with the Annual Program of Work. Serve on nominating committee and anything that Pres says
Exec council designates one VP to record minutes of all division or officer meetings and file those minutes and all other records and reports with the HOSA Headquarters within 30 days after presentation
Exec council designatess one VP to keep records and other materials of historic importance to the division and compile these materials into a yearbook for the division and prepare a narrative account of HOSA activities during their tern of office and be responsible for publication, correspondence, and public relations between member associations
Designate one VP to preside over division meetings when necessary
Board of reps represent Division on the HOSA Inc board of directors and participate on board committees and other responsibility said by chairman and report action to exec council and membership
Pres can appoint a parliamentarian