-Oregon Country
-Mexican Cession
-Gadsden Purchase
Marshall Court Cases
-Review the Marshall Court Decisions Chart. How did each of the following
Supreme Court cases expand (increase) the power of the federal government?
-Marbury v. Madison
-Fletcher v. Peck
-Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee
-McCulloch v. Maryland
-Cohens v. Virginia
-Gibbons v. Ogden
Washington’s Farewell Address
-Review the Washington Farewell Address handout. What did George Washington warn against in his address?
Federalists vs. Democratic Republicans
-Review the chart and know the differences between the first two political parties
in the following areas:
-Social Make-up
-Attitude Toward Government
-View on the Constitution
-Foreign Policy Positions
Foreign Policy and Politics Before the War of 1812
Explain the following terms:
-Jay’s Treaty
-XYZ Affair
-Alien and Sedition Acts/Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (Nullification)
-Embargo/Non Intercourse Act
War of 1812
Explain the following:
-The Causes (Review Madison’s War Message)
-Invasion of Canada/burning of York (Toronto)
-British burning of Washington
Battle of Baltimore/Fort McHenry
-Star Spangled Banner
-Treaty of Ghent
-Status Quo Ante Bellum
-Battle of New Orleans/General Andrew Jackson
Monroe Doctrine
-Review the handout and know why John Quincy Adams created this foreign
policy proclamation. Know the following about what the doctrine said:
-Who should not interfere in the Western Hemisphere?
-How will European interference be viewed by the U.S.?
-How will the U.S. respond to European interference in the Western Hemisphere?
Presidency of Andrew Jackson
-Review the Jackson DBQ Assignment and explain the following issues:
-Spoils System- rewarding political supporters
-Tariff Issue/South Carolina Threatens Secession (“Our federal union, it
must be preserved.”)
-Indian Removal Act (“John Marshall has made his decision, now let him
enforce it.”)
-The National Bank
-Popular Politics (the people vote for president)
-Opponents view him as king who abuses the power of the presidency/
Supporters view him as expanding democracy