3 Realms of Vocational Significance
Common Vocation of all humans: Imago Dei
Vocational Discipleship: calling of all Christians
Specific Callings and Vocations of individuals
Sayers Essay: Why Work
Work can be understood as a way of life not just a means to an end, necessary evil, or idol
Alternative Proposal
work as a way of life not just a means to an end, idol, or necessary evil
work is goof and valuable
Christians can and do serve God through secular work
resistance to dualism between spiritual life and every other part of life
Calling in the Bible
people are chosen by God (election)
People are called into relationship and vocation
people are sent by God
created in the image: called to represent
chosen and called to be called to be God’s covenant partners
Prophets: called to speak on behalf of God
Disciples and Apostles: called to follow Jesus and proclaim Gospel
calling definition
a summons, command, or invitation to a particular course of action or way of life, a purpose/orientation
Vocation definition
the purpose, task, or role a person is called to/ carrying out calling
Latin, work a person is called to by God, calling
contextual awareness
we all exist in contexts, shaped by identity, social location, etc
vocational formation
we are all shaped by contexts
Calling and Contexts
historical setting (place in time)
cultural framework (social location)
race, class, gender (identity)
age, stage of development
Labberton: Flourishing
God desires flourishing people in a flourishing world
God created humans in His image, to collaborate, reflect Him, and steward creation
Vocation is NOT
personal edification
personal career plan/ choice
what you are doing with your life
a spiritual calling for ministers
something we do alone
and achievement
Vocation IS
participation in something bigger
being called out by Jesus and sent back in with something to do
something that relates to all God’s people
A gift
the full breadth of human life and incorporates the full range of humanness
biblical theology
systematic theology
Theology Proper
God as worker
Creation theology
nature and telos of creation
A purpose, goal, fulfillment
Theological Anthropology
Humanity in the image of God (Imago Dei),
humans in relation to the work of God
work as human dignity
God as worker (Keller)
Creation as work of God
creation as good
contrasts other ancient cultures
continued divine providence
sustaining order
sustaining life
oriented toward creation, establishing, maintaining, flourishing, shalom
God partners with humanity, humans participate in work of God
humans as co-laborers
dignity, purpose
contrasts other cultures
Telos of Creation
work is good
non-dualistic views of creation, humanity, work
Shalom and flourishing as the goal
human well being in creation
harmony, wholeness, justice, shalom
interpretations of Imago Dei
ontological: human mind/ soul/ capacity for reason- what humans are
Functional/ Vocational: role, task, purpose- what humans do
Relational: capacity for relationship with God and others- humans in relation
Structure of creation
Forming ( day 1, 2 and 3)
Filling (days 4, 5, and 6)
Imago Dei
all humans have value and worth as well as a purpose/ vocation
all of humanity shares God’s governance of the world
a privilege and responsibility
rule and steward/ protect
authority for careful cultivation
Function/ Purpose of Imago Dei
God’s representatives
rule (royalty)
mediate (priests)
Human community without hierarchy
all have value and purpose
Identity and vocation
stewards of care for creation
bears witness to God’s character and presence
Image of God as Vocation
shared vocation of God’s called community (election)
imago dei distilled
Cosmic garden temple
forming and filling
parallels between Eden and later temples
culmination of rest- God’s presence in the temple
Image, idol, statue
law, instruction, teaching, guidance
walking along a path/ way
facilitates flourishing/ shalom
delight, treasure, freedom, joy
How did the Fall happen?
questioning, misinterpreting
the desire to be like God
How does God respond to the Fall?
judgement- curses
grace- life continues, gift of clothing
Sin: the disruption of shalom
alienation from God
alienation from each other
alienation from creation
Keller on Qoheleth
book is about what it looks like to pursue meaning without God
portrays work as meaningless because God gives meaning to life
meaning, purpose, and wisdom are hard to grasp (smoke, vapor)
3 pursuits of preacher (Keller)
find meaning through learning and wisdom
find fulfillment through pleasure
find purpose through accomplishments and wealth
Major themes in Ecclesiastes
march of time
inevitability of death
random and unpredictable nature of life
Wisdom in the OT
order in the cosmos and human existence
limits of human power and understanding
What we learn from Qoheleth
there is meaning to life (God as creator, Imago Dei)
there is value and meaning in work (Imago Dei as vocation)
we cannot give life meaning on its own
Homo Incurvatus in Se
a human turned/ curved in on itself
metaphor for radical self centeredness and essence of human sin
motivation for sin (self orientation)
effects of sin (pull towards self)
Distortions of human identity (homo incurvatus)
distortion of Imago Dei
distortion of conventional vocation
distortion of individual
pervasive and powerful distortion of worship
basis of other sins
Cultural idols in the west
traditional cultures
family, race, nation
modern cultures
individualism, tech progress
postmodern cultures
individual rights, instant gratification, freedom
Idolatry: key points
complex in the OT: exclusive loyalty, anything less= idolatry
link between idolatry and injustice
Keller Ch. 9
the gospel as foundation for the Christian worldview
the Gospel reframes our understanding of work- for the glory of God
Keller Ch 10
the world is filled with God’s common grace the vocation of Christians is to witness to the Gospel within grace and providence
work as participation in the kingdom of God, discipleship
good news
The Gospel according to Jesus
God’s initiative
salvation by grace
humanity’s ideal response
covenant faithfulness
Kingdom definitions
the rule of god
sovereignty, authority
the reign of god
the act of setting all things right
the realm of god’s rule and reign
the context in which God’s authority is exercised and His will is done
Kingdom tensions
the kingdom is both
imminent and eschatological
now and not yet
future and breaking in reality
apocalyptic and participatory
work of God and work of humanity
Hebrew: Mashiach, Greek: Christos
anointed one
Jesus’ Testing
identifies with Israel
in the wilderness
central issue for Jesus: trust God’s plan or define Messianic identity and vocation
Common Vocation of Humanity
Image bearers of God
Jesus as the image of God
fullest possible expression of image of God
fulfills and restores vocation that Adam and Israel failed
followers of Jesus
conformed to the image of the Son
The Church
assembly called out from the world into holy vocation
a kingdom of priests bearing witness to Gospel
God’s presence on earth
the body of Christ: the Son, the here and now, and the anticipated return
assembly, one’s called out
Christology and vocational discipleship
Jesus the Christ
Keller Ch 1: the design of work
work as God’s design- the theology of work
work is good: God worked, humans are called to work, work will be a part of paradise
work gives humans purpose
work is a gift from God
rest and taking time to worship is key
God caring for creation as Provider
Keller Ch 2: the dignity of work
Work as human dignity- theological anthropology
work is evidence of dignity because it reflects Imago Dei
only humans are given a job
work=dignity because God does it and we do it in his place
no task is too small to hold dignity
what is the forerunner of the new heavens and earth?
The world
physical and spiritual flourishing
Keller Ch 3: work as cultivation
work as service and cultivation (ethics and vocation)
work is a way to serve through creativity, culture building
filling the earth= civilization
cultivate creation
bringing order out of chaos= cultural development
Keller Ch 4: work as service
God provides purpose for our work through service
god gives us gifts to build up the human community
something is a vocation if you are called to it and it serves someone/ something
work should not fulfill us/ our need for power
God’s call is empowering
competent work is a form of love
Keller Ch 5: work becomes fruitless
sin disrupts and distorts the goodness of work (fruitless)
sin effects all areas of life
through hope in God we will never be ultimately discouraged in work
our work in this life is not the final word
work is both fulfilling and frustrating
offers a glimpse of new heavens and earth
Keller Ch 6: work becomes pointless
work w/o God becomes meaningless
alienation can lead to feeling no satisfaction/ fulfillment
dependance on God leads to purposeful life
seek Jesus: We will not have to toil to make a name for ourselves
pushes readers to understand the uniqueness and necessity of God
Keller CH 7: work becomes selfish
work becomes selfish when you use it to distinguish yourself from your neighbor, to prove you are special
tower of Babel
assigning spiritual value to work
gaining a name via a group
become a person of greatness by serving God
Keller Ch 8: work reveals our idols
worship of self and other “god” leads to idolatry/injustice (Incurvatus in se)
we can idolize work, love/ serve/ derive meaning from more than God
idolatry has power over our actions because it has power over our hearts
Keller Ch 9: a new story for work
the gospel reframes our understanding of work- all for the glory of God
Keller Ch 10: a new conception of work
work as participation in the kingdom of God
Keller Ch 11: a new compass for work
Christian ethics and our jobs, careers, calling, vocations]
Work as if God is watching (both employees and employers)
human rights are key- all made in the image of God
Keller Ch 12: new power for work
the gospel gives us a new power for work- new passion, deeper rest
by serving your work you have been called to you are serving God
“a ministry of competence”
doing any job as well as it can be done, to the best of your ability
common grace
grace and gifts for all of humanity/ creation
everyone has a worldview that influences the lens they see the world through
Christian worldview
an overarching narratives in which other narratives fit
the Gospel
The Gospel
the good news of the redemptive kingdom of God through his son Jesus
ethics and vocation
work as service and cultivation
biblical conception of work
a vehicle for God’s loving provision for the world
general revelation
aspect of common grace
God revealing himself to ALL people
first order beliefs
aspect of natural revelation
universal knowledge of God and good
second order beliefs
culturally conditioned
thick view of sin
the drive in our hearts to create idols
thin view of sin
sin as breaking rules or not complying
are being understood
are being seen
the separating wall between sacred and secular
knowing what to do when moral rules don’t provide a clear answer
Christians at work
not ruthless- kind, caring, selfless
calm in the face of difficulty/ failure
be unashamed of your faith and kind to unbelievers
work beneath the work
secular/ material motivations for work
cause exhastion
makes work pointless
not laziness- a sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, lives for nothing, enjoys nothing, loves nothing
sacrificing your freedom for someone else
living sacrifice
dying to your own interest and living for God
passion for God’s call
urgency, diligence