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which of the following medication routes delivers a drug through the skin over an extended period of time, such as nitroglycerin or fentanyl patch?
Transcutaneous (across skin)
in an acute injury setting, neurogenic shock is commonly accompanied by:
pulmonary edema and impaired ventilation occur during:
cardiogenic shock
neurogenic shock occurs when
failure of the nervous system causes widespread vasodilation
most prehospital cardiac arrests in adults occur as the result of:
a cardiac dysrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
following blunt trauma to the face, a 21 year old male complains of a severe headache and decreased ability to move his eyes. this patient’s clinical presentation is most consistent with
blowout fracture
lacerations to the scalp
might be an indicator of deeper, more serious injuries
you are assessing a man who has a head injury and note that cerebrospinal fluid is leaking from his ear. you should recognize that this patient is at risk for
bacterial meningitis
which of the following sets of vital signs depicts Cushing triad
blood pressure, 190/110 mm Hg, pulse, 55 beats/min, respirations 30/breaths/min
an index of suspicion is most accurately defined as:
awareness/concerns of potential serious underlying or unseen injury or illness
in what are of the lung does respiration occur:
alveoli (air goes in, carbon dioxide comes out)
which of the following is most characteristic of adequate breathing:
24 breathes per min/bilateral equal breathing signs, pink skin
common side effects of nitroglycerin are as following except:
hypertension (high blood pressure)
which of the following errors is an example of a knowledge based failure
EMT administers the wrong drug to the patient because she did not know the pertinent information about the drug
what regulates the standards for prehospital emergency care
the standards for prehospital emergency care and the individuals who provide it are governed by the laws in each state and are typically regulated by a state office of EMS
EMR’s such as firefighters, law enforcement officers, and park rangers are an integral part of the ems system because
they often arrive at the scene before the ambulance and EMTS
you and your partner respond to the residence of a 66 year old male with shortness of breath. as you are assessing the patient, his wife tells you that he was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. the patient is verbally abusive and tells you that the failure of the health care system caused his disease. which stage of the grieving process is this patients behavior? (anger, denial, depression, bargaining)
the compression to ventilation ratio for two person adult cpr is
30 to 2 breathes
which of the following maneuvers should be used to open a patients airway when a spinal injury is suspected:
jaw thrust (a noninvasive maneuver that helps open the upper airway)
an infectious disease is most accurately defined as
spread from one person or species to another through a number of mechanisms
which of the following will most reliably allow you to determine the nature of a patient’s illness?
asking questions related to the chief complaint
health care teams that infrequently train and work together can:
create delays in patient care
which of the following is the most accurate guide to palpating a pulse
place the tips of your long finger and index fingers over the pulse point
pain that moves from its point of origin to another
radiating (move)
the presence of elevated c02 levels is called
at what age does separation anxiety typically peak in infants/small children?
10-18 months
age related changes in the renal system result in
decreased ability to clear waste from the body and decreased ability to conserve fluids when needed
in contrast to typical wheel ambulance stretchers, bariatric stretchers include
increased stability from a wider wheel base
which statements regarding scoop stretchers is not correct
provide adequate immobilization for the spinal column
you arrive at the home of an 80 year old female; altered mental status, terminal cancer, a vaild DNR is presented. When caring for the patient you should
make her comfortable and provide emotional support
vector born transmission of an infectious organisms occur in
animals and insects
you have been tasked by your medical director with assisting in the development of your EMS agency’s institutional standards. when developing these standards, it is important to
be reasonable and realistic to avoid overburdening ems personnel
which regarding Good Samaritan Law is correct
will not protect EMS in case of gross negligence
which patient has decision making capacity
a conscious and alert woman with severe abdominal pain
typical components of an oral patient report include all of the following except
the set of baseline vital signs taken at the scene
at the scene of a motor vehicle crash, you determine that there are 2 critically injured patients and another ambulance is needed. you attempt to contact the dispatcher with your portable radio but are unsuccessful, you should
use the mobile radio in the ambulance to contact dispatch
when providing patient reports via radio, you should protect the patient’s privacy by
not disclosing his or her name
removal of fluid around the heart
root word Cirrh (o) means
liver condition causing orange/yellow skin
after applying a tourniquet, the injury from the patient’s leg stop bleeding, this is called
which signs of respiratory distress is typically unique in infants and children
sea-saw respirations (up and down) paradoxical breathing
the primary function of the right atrium is to
receive blood from the vena cava
12 pairs of ribs attach to which section of the spinal column?
in contrast to secure attachment; anxious avoidant attachment occurs when a child:
shows little emotional response to a parent or caregiver following repeated rejection
you have 2 patients who were involved in a motor vehicle crash when their SUV struck a tree- one with neck and back pain, and the other with a deformed left femur. the patient with the deformed femur states that he does not want to be placed on a hard board, nor does he want a collar around his neck. what is the most appropriate and practical method of securing these patients and placing them into the ambulance?
immobilize the patient with neck and back pain on a long backboard and place him on the wheeled stretcher; place the patient with the deformed femur on a folding stretcher secured to the squad bench
to be a great emt strive for
foundational knowledge
what is an example of closed loop communication
team leader assigns emt to a task, the emt repeats task to the team leader
intrapulmonary shunting occurs when:
blood coming from right side of heart bypasses nonfunctional alveoli returns to left side of the heart in unoxidized state
oxygen toxicity is a condition in which
cellular tissue damage occurs from excessive oxygen levels in the blood
in ___ administration you are administering medication to yourself or your partner:
peer assisted
a 49 year old male with extensive cardiac history presents with 2 hours of crushing chest pain and shortness of breath. He is pale and diaphoretic and tells you that he feels like he is going to die. His medications include nitroglycerin, sildenafil (Viagra), and enalapril (Vasotec). His blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg and his heart rate is 110 beats/min. In addition to administering supplemental oxygen if needed, you should:
ask if he took viagra in the last 24 hours
the term behavioral crisis
situation in which a patient at any age is violent or uncooperative behavior
when documenting a call where a female is sexually assaulted
keep report concise report, only what the victim stated in own their words
which of clinical presentations is most consistent with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
EMTs receive a call for a possible sexual assault. The patient is a young female who is conscious and alert and has no apparent injuries. She states, "I can't remember anything, but I know I was raped." The EMTs should suspect that:
the patient was given a drug prior to the incident
if one or more occupants in the same vehicle or killed in the crash the EMT should
suspect all occupants experienced the same serious trauma
when driver is in a car equipped with airbag but is not wearing a seatbelt, he or she will most likely strike the ____ when air bag deploys:
energy of a moving object is called
You arrive at the home of a 50-year-old female with severe epistaxis. As you are treating her, it is MOST important to recall that:
risk of vomiting and aspiration
what is hypoperfusion
A young male was shot in the abdomen by an unknown type of gun. He is semiconscious, has shallow breathing, and is bleeding externally from the wound. As you control the external bleeding, your partner should:
assist patients ventilations
patients with thrombophilia ( bleeders) are at increased risk for:
acute arterial rupture
in general, injected poison are impossible dilute because they
are usually absorbed quickly into the body
airborne substances should be diluted with
which regarding salmonella bacteria is correct
bacterium itself causes food poisoning
you respond to residence of a 55 year old female, possibly allergic to peanuts. she ate them 30 minutes ago, patient is conscious and alert. Has diffuse urticaria and lump in throat. as your partner applies oxygen you should
ask her if she has prescribed epinephrine
what is the most common complication with acute abdomen
peritonitis (inflammation of the lining of the belly or abdomen)
A 60 - year - old female presents with a tearing sensation in her lower back . Her skin is sweaty , and she is tachycardic . The EMT should suspect
aortic aneurysm
characteristics of peptic ulcer disease (PUD)
burning pain that subsides after eating
Patients with type 2 diabetes usually control their disease with all of the following, EXCEPT:
supplemental insulin
which of the following about sickle cell disease is correct
red blood cells, abnormal shape, and less able to carry oxygen
the iliac arteries immediately subdivide into the
femoral arteries
A 40 year old patient without a history of seizures experiences generalized (tonic-clonic) seizure. The LEAST likely cause of this seizure is:
febrile seizures
are usually benign but should be evaluated
which of the following patients would most likely demonstrate typical signs of infection, such as fever?
17 year old male with anxiety
the adult epi pen delivers
.3/ .15 mg of epinephrine
immediately after giving epinephrine
properly dispose of the syringe
most important for EMT to remember about a suicidal patient is:
may be homicidal as well
Which of the following statements regarding the physical examination of a patient with a behavioral problem is correct?
A physical examination for a behavioral problem may be difficult to perform but may provide clues to the patient's state of mind and thought processes.
In addition to severe bleeding, the MOST life-threatening complication associated with an open neck injury is:
an air embolism
hematoma develps when
large blood vessels beneath the skin are damaged
You are assessing a 30-year-old woman with multiple large bruises to her chest and abdomen that she experienced during an assault. She is conscious but restless, and her skin is cool and pale. You should be MOST concerned with:
clinical signs show that she’s bleeding internally
the skin and underlying tissues of the face has:
a rich blood supply
You are assessing a 59-year-old male and note that his pupils are unequal. He is conscious and alert. When obtaining his medical history, it is MOST pertinent to ask him if he:
has had a history of eye surgeries
You respond to a residence for a 40 year old female who was assaulted by her husband; the scene has been secured by law enforcement. Upon your arrival, you find the patient lying supine on the floor in the kitchen. She is semiconscious with severely labored breathing. Further assessment reveals a large bruise to the left anterior chest, jugular venous distention, and unilaterally absent breath sounds. As you partner is supporting her ventilation's, you should:
A. obtain a set of baseline vital signs
B. perform a focused secondary exam
C. immediately request ALS support
D. insert an oropharyngeal airway
C. immediately request ALS support
If a person's tidal volume decreases, but his or her respiratory rate remains unchanged:
minute volume will decrease.
open pneumothorax is
open chest wound, air moves through during breathing
subcutaneous emphysema is indication that
air is escaping into the chest from a damaged lung
hemoptysis is defined as
coughing up blood
when documenting a call involving a female patient who was sexually assaulted, the emt should
avoid speculation and document only factual data
it would be most appropriate t o perform a focused secondary assessment on a patient who
fainted and fell to the ground from a standing position
which of the following statements regarding rebound tenderness is correct
it is often discovered when the patient is jarred or moved suddenly
a rapid, irregular pulse following blunt trauma to the chest is most suggestive of a
myocardial contusion
patients with full-thickness (third degree) burns generally do not complain of pain because
the nerve endings have been destroyed
______ rays easily penetrate through the human body and require lead or several inches of concrete to prevent penetration
if a person’s tidal volume decreases, but his or her respiratory rate remains unchanged
minute volume will decrease
upon arriving at the scene of a possible hazardous materials (HazMat) incident involving several patients, you should
carefully assess the situation
typically, medevac helicopters fly at speeds between
130 and 150 mph
covering a patient’s _____ will significantly minimize radiation heat loss
a female patient with a suspected head injury has slow, shallow breathing. the most appropriate treatment for her includes
ventilation assistance to maintain an ETC02 of 30 to 35 mm Hg