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Medium Long Shot
Interviewee looks into space in the frame
Big Close Up
Long Shot
Moving Subject walks into space
Close up
Very Long Shot
High Angle Shot (looking down)
Medium Close-up
Two Shot
Low angle shot (looking up)
Medium Shot
Over the Shoulder Shot
Tilted Frame
In a screenplay, the description of narrative events in a scene, excluding dialog.
Assistant director. Crew member responsible for the logistical planning of a production.
Automated Dialog Replacement: dialog re-recorded in post production using an audio loop in which actors match their lines on screen.
The hole at the center of the lens, which lets in light. The f-stop ring on a lens adjusts the size of the aperture.
Art Director
The artist on a production crew responsible for the design of everything in a film's environment.
Aspect Ratio
The size of a screen format expressed as the ratio of the width in relation to the height.
Assembly cut
Technically the first cut of the film, including the best shots in the correct order to create scenes and a sense of narrative direction.
Atmospheric/Ambient/Walla track
A sound track providing a particular atmosphere.
The beginning portion of any sound.
Axis of action/ Line of action/ 180 degree line
The invisible line in a scene representing the scene's dramatic polarization.
Baby Legs
A miniature tripod often used for low angle shots.
Back lighting
Lighting from behind the featured character in a shot.
The events stated or implied to have happened prior to the period covered in the screenplay or the film.
Big close-up. A close-up that cuts off the very top and bottom of someone's head, leaving just the face.
The point in a narrative in which a significant change occurs for the story or for one or more characters' consciousness.
Arrangements and positioning of the actors with regards to the camera and the set/location.
A support pole suspending the microphone close to the speaking actors, but just outside the frame.
Bounced light
Light that is reflected off of a white or metallic surface to avoid direct lighting.
Second round of auditioning for actors who have successfully passed the first round.
Call Sheet
A document detailing what is being shot on a certain day, and who and what are required at the shoot.
Camera operator
Crew member who handles the camera, framing the shot as directed by the Director of Photography.
Camera motivation
The narrative reason for the movement or position of a camera in a specific shot or scene.
Camera to subject axis
The invisible line drawn between the subject and the camera in the composition.
Casting Breakdown
An advertisement calling for actors, describing the specific role in question, as well as the film itself.
Cinema Vérité
A documentary shooting method in which the camera is subservient to an actuality sometimes instigated by the director.
Clean entrance / exit
An object or subject entirely entering or clearing the frame.
The dramatic apex of a story, or sometimes of a scene.
A tight single shot of a character, usually including the head and neck and little to no background.
Color temperature
The prevailing color, measured in degrees Kelvin, of a white object hit by light in the frame.
Complementary shots
Shots that are designed to intercut with each other.
Contingency plan / percentage
A percentage added to a budget to provide for the unforeseen.
The smooth flow from shot to shot and scene to scene, temporally and/or spatially.
The variety of shots a director chooses to shoot for a particular scene.
To move the camera vertically through space, particularly using a crane.
Crib notes
A director's notes listing intentions and 'don't forgets' for a scene.
A shot, sometimes from a character's POV, which allows us to 'cut away' from the main action of a scene.
Dailies / Rushes
A production's daily output of motion picture, exported/processed and ready to view with the team.
Depth of field
The distance of acceptably sharp focus in front and behind the plane of primary focus.
The ending or final outcome of the main dramatic conflict in a film or any narrative.
Diegetic Sound
Sounds that characters can hear and which belong naturally in the environment of a scene.
Diffused light
Light that casts indistinct shadows because it is composed of disorganized rays.
Direct Cinema
A low profile documentary style of shooting that supposedly disallows any directorial intrusion.
Artist and member of the film's production team responsible for directing the actors.
Director of photography / DP / Cinematographer
The artist and crew member responsible for a production's camera work and lighting.
Dramatic tension
The unresolved knowledge, hopes, fears, and expectations that keep us wanting to know 'and what happens next?'
Head of the camera department
Dolly shot
Shot on wheeled camera support
Dutch angle
Camera deliberately tilted off horizontal plane
Edit Decision List
List of editorial decisions at end of editing process
Extreme close-up shot cutting off part of subject's face
Condensing real time into narrative time by cutting out events
Using sound filters to match sound tracks seamlessly
Establishing Shot
Indicates scene's setting, new time or place in story
Relaying necessary narrative and character info to audience
Amount of light hitting film or sensor chip
Abbreviation for 'exterior' in screenplay scene heading
Visual trajectory and gaze of character on camera
Fade in / Fade out
Increasing or lowering image level on screen
Fade up / Fade down
Increasing or lowering sound level on soundtrack
Falling Action / Resolution
Wind down events after film's climax
Fill light
Diffused secondary light to soften shadows
Final cut / delivery cut
Last edit of film for distribution
Fine cut / locked cut
Final edit before adding audio and visual effects
Moving temporarily backwards in time
Floor Plan
Diagram showing placements/movements from bird's eye view
Sharpness and clarity of objects seen through camera lens
Focal distance
Distance between camera and subject
Stage where sounds are recreated to picture
Frontal lighting
Lighting from direction of camera, minimizing shadows
Audio channels
Different streams of audio, such as dialog, sound effects, and music, in a film.
A sequence of shots without continuity that shows the process or passage of time.
Motivated lighting
Lighting a scene based on the reality of the environment.
Motivated performance / motivated directing
Acting or directing based on a character's goal or motivation, not just for effect.
An account of events or a story; the storytelling nature of a film.
The unwanted portion of a sound in film, as opposed to the signal.
Normal Lens
A lens that reproduces objects with similar perspective, size, and distance as the human eye.
Omniscient POV
A storytelling mode where the audience sees everything in the story, as if the author knows all.
On the nose
Storytelling that is literal or overly explicit.
Over the shoulder
A shot that includes one character prominently and the other from over their shoulder.
The rate of movement or flow of events in a film's story, affecting the narrative tempo.
Rotating the camera horizontally from a central pivot point.
Someone who takes part in a documentary.
Oral presentation of a film proposal to attract support for the project.
The arrangement of incidents and causality logic in a story.