permanent migration
permanent change of residence on an individual/group of people the lasts more than a year
temporary migration
change of residence lasting less than one year
international migration
when an individual or group of people cross an international border for more than one year
internal migration
when people move from one place to another inside a country
net migration
difference between in-movements and out-movements to a region/country
migration stream
the common route that migrants take to get from a source to a destination
as the distance increases between source and destination, the number of migrants decreases
common push factors
social intolerance
civil war
government corruption
natural disaster/climate conditions
unemployment/lack of job prospects
low income
bad education
bad healthcare
common pull factors
job prospects
high income promise
higher living standards
more entertainment
better education
better healthcare
stabler government
mild climate
chain migration
after a few migrants leave many more follow
relay migration
at different stages in the family life cycle different people migrate to improve financial situation
step migration
rural migrant progressively steps to bigger settlements
constraints on migration
closing up cost: cost of leaving the source, in HICs; possessions, houses, emotional costs
opening up cost: cost of purchasing a house,legal fees, essentials to survive in the destination
journey: risky, costly
immigration laws: may encourage/discourage migration
physical border
Todaro model
migrant’s decision to migrate can be explained with economic costs/benefits
migrants willing to endure short financial difficulty for better future
Marxist theory
migration is the only option after alienation of land
labour migration will occur with transition into capitalism
Ravenstein’s law
distance decay
migrants travelling long distances move to large urban centres
migration occurs in stages (step-migration)
people in rural areas more likely to migrate than those in urban areas
causes of rural-urban migration
low wages
hard jobs
poor amenities and services
farming mechanisatio reduces need for jobs
source impacts of rural-urban migration
remittances so more money to improve rural areas
separated families
destination impacts of rural-urban migration
pressure on housing, water supplies, services
poor conditions of living
informal economy created
more pollution and landfill sites
causes of urban-rural migration
rural areas are cleaner, more social
better service provision
source impacts of urban-rural migration
only rich can move out
taxes reduced
less momey to tackle social and economic problems
destination impacts of urban-rural migration
more money brought to area
more congestion
public trnasport cut (increased car ownership)
decline in commuinity life
house prices increase
old traditional buildings converted to modern houses
counter urbanisation
migration from urban areas to rural settlements
migration from inner city to suburban areas
migration from countryside to towns and cities
migration from suburbs and villages to inner city areas of gentrification and redevelopment
steps of step-migration
slightly bigger settlement
slightly larger settlement
small urban aea to large urban area
intra-urban migration
movement from one urban area to another
someone allowed to stay in the country fled to after proving persecution risk and asylum claim being approved
asylm seeker
someone wo has fled their country to the nearest safe one
has a legal right to stay with protection (sometimes for a specified duration)
not allowed to work
must prove risk of persecution and tell authorities
internally displaced person
someone forced to leave their home for the same reasons as an asylum seeker, but remains in the country
positive impacts of migration on source
remittances are a major imcome source
emigration eases levels of unemployment
reduces health/education pressure
returning migrants bring new skills and ideas
negative impacts of migration of source
loss of young adult workers
increased ageing population
lower agricultural output at labour falls
returning migrants may question traidtions, causing division
push factors of Poland to the UK
unemployment rate: 18.2% in 2005, >40% in rural areas
GDP per head was $12 700
lack of jobs
pull factors of Poland to the UK
GDP $30 900
high salaries
high living standards
free movement of labour
many low cost flights Poland → London
no language barrier
Impacts of Poland-UK migration on UK
80% of migrants were 18-35 → addresses issues of an ageing population
rise of discrimination
locals not satisfied with growth of Catjolic chruch
far ideas (“jobs are taken by the Poles”)
pollution → cars for the immigrants
Impacts of Poland-UK migration of Poland
division of society (pro-EU and those who stayed)
rise of right-wing ideas (EU taking low-skilled and high-skilled workforces)
pollution because of low-cost flights
Push factors Mexico-USA
natural disasters
high poverty rates
high subsitence farming rates
Pull factors Mexico-USA
sending remittances
better paying jobs
higher standards of living
educational opportunities
migration patterns Mexico-USA
10.9mil US residents were mexican immigrants as of 2023
mostly to California and Texas
from Western-central areas in 20th century
more recently from south & east of Mexico City
negative impacts of migration from Mexico-USA on Mexico
rural areas now have a shortage of economically active people
dependance on remittances slow local initiatives
high dependancy ratio
women outnumber men in rural areas
fathers absent for years
fewer children → communities die out
positive impacts of migration from Mexico-USA on Mexico
remittances boosted income source
remittances boosted economy
negative impacts of migration from Mexico-USA on USA
illegal immigration costs USA millions of dollars for border control, detention centres, fences, etc.
immigrants seen as drain on economy
remittances seen as money lose from US economy
tension over availability of jobs
migrant workers keep wages low → affects unskilled Americans
positive impacts of migration from Mexico-USA on USA
US economy benefits from paying migrant workers low-wages
immigrants work as janitors, truck drivers, gerdeners, construction labourers, etc.
Mexican culture has enriched the US → food, language, music, etc.