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A scene within a story that interrupts the sequence of events to relate events that occured in the past.
The author’s use of clues to hint at what might happen later in the story.
External conflict
One in which a character struggles against some kind of outside force, such as another person. Another one may occur between a character and some force in nature.
Internal conflict
It takes place within the mind of character. The character struggles to make a decision, take and action, or overcome a feeling.
First-person point of view
Told by a character who uses the first-person pronoun “I.”
Third-person point of view
There are two kinds, limited and omniscient. They are called “third person “ because the narrator uses third-person pronouns such as he or she to refer to the characters.
Omniscient point of view
In stories told from this point of view, the narrator knows and tells about what EACH character feels and thinks.
Limited point of view
In stories told from this point of view, the narrator relates the inner thoughts and feelings of only ONE character, and everything is viewed from this characters perspective.
The form of a language spoken by people in a particular region or group. They differ in punctuation, grammar, and word choice. The use of it gives a short story a more authentic feel and helps a characters words sound more realistic.
A conversation between the characters. In poems, novels, and short stories. Its usually set off by quotation marks to indicate a speakers exacts words.
The main character in a literary work. It is often a person but can sometimes be an animal.
This is the character or a force in conflict with a main character.
the repetition of initial constant sounds. Writers use this device to draw attention to certain words, ideas, to imitate sounds, and to create musical effects.
The writers attitude toward his or her audience and subjects. It can often be described by a single adjectives, such as formal or informal, serious or playful, bitter, or ironic.
The feeling created in the read by literary work or passage. It is also known as atmosphere.