the central idea the author supports in their argument.
Opposing viewpoint
a position that is the opposite of the other position.
a statement that supports a position.
facts, statistics, and examples that show why your claim should be believed; evidence supports and “Holds up claim.”
The process of showing how your evidence connects to and supports your claim.
an acknowledgment of a concern or disagreement from those with opposing viewpoints.
an authors direct response to an opposing viewpoint or claim.
a position or viewpoint along with the claims and evidence used to support that position.
having to do with the matter of being considered; important and connected when writers use claims or evidence that is irrelevant or not relevant they weaken their arugment.
enough; adequate if writers don’t provide sufficient evidence and reasoning to support a claim, they weaken their argument.
Tracing an argument
identifying and exploring how an argument is made in an essay, a speech, or other text.
to judge or calculate the quality of something
to try to prove a statement, position, or claim that is wrong or false.
to prove a statement, position or claim is wrong or false.
a false or mistaken belief or claim, usually based on poor reasoning.
Ad hominem attack
an attack on a person rather than on his or her argument and AD ad hominem attack is a fallacy and weakens an argument.
Emotional appeal.
Writers rely on twos means of persuasion appealing to the readers common sense and appealing to the readers emotions when writers use only facts or information to connivence the reader to believe them instead they hope to make the reader upset excited or scared that the reader will agree with them.