Digestive System
Organ system that works together to digest and absorb food
Biological catalyst, speeding up chemical reactions in living organisms
Properties of Enzymes
Large protein
Catalyse a specific reaction due to its shape
Has an optimum temperature & pH
Denatured by extreme pH or temperatures
Lock & Key Theory
The active site of the enzyme specifically matches the unique shape of the substrate.
Enzymes tend to catalyse only one reaction
Digestive Enzymes
Converts food into small soluble molecules that can be absorbed into the bloodstream
Salivary Glands, Pancreas
Breaks down starch into simple sugars
Pancreas, Stomach, Small Intestine
Breaks down proteins into amino acids
Pancreas, Small Intestine
Breaks down lipids (fats) into glycerol and fatty acids
Stored in the Gallbladder
Neutralises stomach acid for optimum pH for lipase
Emulsifies fats to increase surface area
Test for Carbohydrates
Iodine Test - Changes from brown-orange to blue-black
Test for Simple Sugars
Benedict’s Test -
Water bath @ 75°C
Changes from blue to green to yellow to brick-red
Test for Proteins
Biuret Test - Changes from blue to purple
Test for Lipids (Fats)
Ethanol and Water - Changes from clear to cloudy